Filtrine announces that its drinking water products are compliant with the latest “Lead-Free” standards. Even before official “lead free” standards for plumbing products were introduced, Filtrine was committed to providing safe drinking water products to our many customers around the world. Our insistence on using all copper piping and metallic waterways (instead of choosing the latest and least expensive plastic components) is a testament to our commitment to unrivaled quality, and time-tested reliability.
Materials and components matter. Filtrine has put this mantra into practice by not only building all of our products in the US, but by also using US-made components whenever possible. These strict quality standards enable us to verify the origins and safety of the parts we use, and in turn, consistently meet the high standards of our customers.
Another aspect of this ongoing commitment to safety has been to independently certify all of our drinking water products as compliant with the latest and strictest “lead free” standards. Samples of our product components are sent to Intertek-Consumer Goods and Truesdail laboratories for analytical acid digestion and elemental analysis. All components that come in contact with water are tested for their lead content using a microwave processor and an ICP. The results of these component tests are then compared to published standards by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), specifically NFS/ANSI Standard 372 which deals with the lead content for drinking water system components.
The updated NSF Standard 372 replaces/supplements previous standards that were promoted and enforced on a state-by-state basis. California Assembly Bill 1953, Annex G (CA AB1953) was the first to establish the “new” lead free requirement of less than 0.25% lead content for every wetted component for plumbing products. Many states used the California standard to assess compliance until the updated NSF 372 went into effect in January of 2014. Publications from the National Sanitation Foundation confirm that all products previously certified to CA AB1953 will be deemed compliant with the new NSF 372 standard without retesting.
For more information, download the Filtrine NSF-ANSI 372 Lead-Free Compliant Intertek Test Report, or contact your local Filtrine Drinking Water Representative.