Getting the Lead Out of Baltimore City Schools Drinking Water
School districts around the country are re-looking at how to dispense clean drinking water to students and staff. Using bottled water is not sustainable since disposing of the bottles and the storage needed has become too expensive.
Back in 2010, a group of community and education advocates decided something needed to be done about Baltimore City’s old and inadequate public school buildings. They approached the city and state for funding. In Spring 2013, legislation was signed to enable approximately $1 billion to be raised. As a result, the 21st-Century School Buildings Plan was developed “to bring new or renovated school buildings to students in neighborhoods across the city.” One of the goals of this program is to stop serving bottled drinking water and use filtered city water; however an aging city water infrastructure proved to be particularly challenging. After weighing different options the engineers asked Filtrine to build a point of entry water system for each new school constructed in the city of Baltimore.
Each school has its own water requirements starting with the Lyndhurst Elementary/Middle School. The engineers worked with Filtrine and decided on Filtrine’s Taste Master® water purifier module which includes lead removal. The Robert Poole Building, an Academy for College and Career Exploration & Independence School and the Frederick Elementary School, needed more capacity, so they specified a larger Taste Master® water purifier and lead removal module. Filtrine offers water purification systems for all different capacities. In addition, the engineers for the Frederick school decided on a two year service contract which included labor and materials to monitor and maintain the operation of the filtration module, including the changing of filter elements on a scheduled basis no more than three times per year.
Filtrine’s Taste Master purifier housings are constructed of heavy-duty stainless steel and are rated at 125 psi working pressure. They are built to outlast the piping in the building. The Taste Master 0.5 micron elements meet the NSF/ANSI standards 42 and 53 for removal of lead, sediment, organic tastes/odors, chlorine taste/odors and pathogens and are biodegradable. Filtrine’s exclusive “Dual Seal” design ensures first-day effectiveness for the life of the element.
Low and inexpensive maintenance is one of Filtrine’s primary goals, and Filtrine guarantees that the element replacement procedure can be completed in less than 30 seconds and requires no tools to perform. The environmentally friendly Filtrine filter/purifier configuration cuts down on waste, saving money over time.
For more information on Filtrine water purification systems or school drinking fountains, fill out the Drinking Water Product Request a Quote Form or contact your local Filtrine Drinking Water Representative.
Featured Filtrine Product

Filtrine’s Model 107-16-HHL high/high/low tri-level non-recessed drinking water fountain features a ADA compliant design. Made in your choice of 16 gauge stainless steel or bronze, with 14 gauge support arms. Based on Filtrine’s popular 107-14-HL model, this model has an additional drinking bowl for more capacity so is particularly suited for high-traffic locations. Any Filtrine drinking fountain can be made touchless. Specifications…
Featured INDESTRUCT Product

Filtrine’s INDESTRUCT Model IM electric water coolers are built with the most durable materials and components to withstand even the most excessive demands of heavy industry from shipyards to factories. Select from 16 ga steel panels with enamel or powder coat finish, or 16 ga stainless steel panels with satin or powder coat finish. Models also include: explosion proof, outdoor freeze proof and high ambient. Options include a push button bubbler, gooseneck bottle/glass filler, or a foot activated electronic sensor (for laboratories where cross-contamination is of the utmost importance). Learn more…
For more information on any of these models, contact your local Filtrine Drinking Water Representative today.
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