Filtrine PCP-500G-70-A-WP-OSP CT Systems Medical Chiller

Seismic Approved - Closed Loop Packaged Chiller for SIEMENS SOMATOM Definition CT Systems


This Filtrine chiller recirculates clean coolant at a consistent temperature, pressure and flow rate, ideal to maintain the maximum linear accelerator uptime. It is designed specifically to cool SIEMENS SOMATOM Definition CT systems.

Filtrine PCP chillers feature the storage method of cooling with a large stainless steel tank and immersed stainless evaporator. The tank is sealed to prevent coolant evaporation or fouling. The integral pump recirculates the coolant to the medical equipment at the specified pressure and flow rate.


Seismic Approved Chillers

Filtrine OSP chillers have been pre-approved for HCAI (formerly OSHPD) Special Seismic Certification by the State of California Department of Health Care Access and Information

For more information, see Filtrine Model OSP Chillers FAQ for Equipment requiring Special Seismic Certification (OSP).

Condenser Models

Available in one standard configuration. A-WP: Weather-resistant model would be installed completely outdoors.