Filtrine PCP-200-24-HX Linear Accelerator Medical Heat Exchanger & Control Panel
Closed Loop Packaged Heat Exchanger for VARIAN Clinac Unique, Halcyon and Ethos Linear Accelerators
A closed loop, packaged heat exchanger designed specifically to cool VARIAN Clinac Unique, Halcyon and Ethos linear accelerators using existing plant chilled water instead of refrigeration.
Filtrine Model HX packages use a storage tank, and cleanable plate and frame heat exchanger to provide close temperature control of recirculating process water. The tank is sealed to prevent process water evaporation or fouling; and is supplied with a liquid level gauge, fill port and clean out. The pump circulates the process water at a constant temperature and flow.
- Ample storage to ensure consistant temperature under fluctuating loads
- Built-in diagnostic gauges and controls
- Process water filter to protect internal cooling system
- Cleanable plate and frame heat exchanger
“Fail Safe” Options
- DPA – Dual Pumps: Automatic switchover to backup pump on loss of coolant flow.
- LL – Low Level Interlock: Float switch in tank lights warning light if coolant level drops below safe low limit.
- Filtrine HCAI OSHPD Special Seismic Certification Preapproval (OSP) #OSP-0369
- Filtrine Medical Chiller Guide
- Filtrine Chiller Options & Accessories
- Filtrine Chiller Model 664K-R407C Remote Air Cooled Condensers
For medical chiller model specification sheets, contact or your local chiller sales representative.